Asiatica Film Mediale

Kiefer Sutherland ha idee per un revival di 24, con o senza Jack Bauer.

Kiefer Sutherland ha idee per un revival di 24, con o senza Jack Bauer.

Di Debora

20 Marzo 2023, 17:34

Kiefer Sutherland, star of 24, believes that the show could have a revival through different approaches, either with Jack Bauer leading the series or by focusing on a different situation not related to terrorism. 24 follows the life of Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) Agent Jack Bauer, in every season centered around a day-long timeframe, typically trying to stop a terrorist plot within 24 hours. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Sutherland expressed interest in returning to the show, while also sharing ideas for a series based in the 24 universe without Jack or the CTU’s involvement. Sutherland’s suggestion of exploring the 24-hour period in the life of a fireman or someone else is a concept he finds interesting. A previously attempted 24 revival with 24: Legacy in 2017 saw Corey Hawkins in the leading role as former US Army Ranger Sergeant Eric Carter, who turns to the CTU for help after his squad is targeted by a terrorist organization. The series only lasted for one season, opening the possibility for the franchise to go in a new direction. By avoiding the CTU, the 24 franchise could explore different struggles within law enforcement, or even become a label for the format of different series following different characters instead of Jack Bauer. It is possible that the future of 24 lies in experimenting with its format to tell entirely unique stories.

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